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Americans May Be Banned From Travel To Europe Again, Announcing Expected This Week

Img source: politico.eu

The United States has been in a state of travel ban with Europe for the past few months, but it looks like the European Union is ready to put an end to that. This week, EU officials are expected to announce a new travel ban on Americans entering Europe.

The when can i travel to europe again is the question that many Americans are asking themselves. It has been announced by the European Union that Americans will be banned from traveling to Europe again.

Americans may once again be barred from traveling to Europe, according to an announcement expected this week.

In the next week, the European Union is likely to strike the United States off its list of epidemiologically sound nations. This is due in part to an increase in Covid-19 instances in the United States, but it is also politically motivated: “reciprocity considerations” for the United States continuing to prohibit travelers who had visited Schengen Europe during the previous 14 days.

This means that although the EU advises against admitting American tourists, each nation is free to establish its own entrance requirements. As a consequence, nothing may change, regulations may change, resulting in more inconsistency, or many nations may impose travel restrictions on Americans.

What we’ve got here is a return of “regime uncertainty,” which I’ve been writing about for a year as a major cause of travel booking difficulties.

  • When you purchase tickets, a destination may be available, but will it still be open when it’s time to travel?
  • What about changes to the regulations for entering any connected city in the case of a mismatch?
  • And what about criteria for returning to your home country, such as testing or vaccinations? (And which tests and vaccinations count, and when were they administered?)

If the regulations governing American tourists alter, it may not happen immediately. Several nations, for example, depend significantly on tourism until the end of August and may make adjustments after the peak season.

Also, instead of banning travelers from particular areas, the US might set vaccination requirements for entrance, which may diplomatically defuse European retaliation for the US’s idiocy. For example, American Airlines CEO Doug Parker recounts a European consultant who visited their Skyview campus:

[W]e had a consultant from Munich come in. She traveled to Cancun for two weeks to get to the United States, and then she was permitted to enter. In Munich, she felt a lot safer than she did in Cancun. But that’s precisely what we’re doing.

The United States prohibits vaccinated visitors from Germany, where Covid incidence is low, yet accepts unvaccinated Indonesians (who are experiencing one of the world’s worst epidemics). Indeed, a German visiting the United States who has been vaccinated and tested negative (as needed to enter the country) poses a much lower risk of contracting Covid-19 than the average American you’ll meet in a bar.

More From the Wing’s Perspective

The eu travel restrictions are expected to be announced this week. Americans may be banned from traveling to Europe again.


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